Mr. Edward Poznek
Senior Advisor
Ms. Rosemary Dougherty
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Site Principal
Ms. Florence Doyle
"To teach is to touch the future..."
When I think of all our children here at CCCS, I think that what we have built here will impact the future of so many lives, of families, of neighborhoods, and of our society...what an awesome responsibility!
Site Principal
Mrs. Mimi Porsia
"Judge each day not by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant."
Robert Louis Stevenson
Vice Principal
Mrs. Maria Grassia
"So great is the influence of a sympathetic mind that our students are affected by us as we teach and we by them as they learn, thus we come to dwell in each other. They speak within us, what they hear, while we learn in them what we teach".
St. Augustine
Vice Principal
Mr. Anthony Elia