SIgnature Sheets for Policy Books

Please return by:
September 16th.

Please write your e-mail address on the line below:



Christopher Columbus Charter School
916 Christian Street
1242 South 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19147

Name of Parent:                                                                                                

Name(s) of Children and Grade(s):                                                                          

Please check the appropriate items below:

          I  have read the CCCS Parent- Student Handbook and I agree to abide by its policies and conditions for myself and my child(ren).

          I have read the CCCS Attendance Policy Book and I agree to abide by its policies and conditions for myself and my child(ren).

          I have read the Policies and Procedures for Student Behavior for the Students of CCCS and I agree to abide by its policies and conditions for myself and my child(ren).


          I have spoken with my child about the policies of the school , and my child agrees to uphold the policies of the school to the best of his/her ability.


          I do not have access to a computer in my home, and I am requesting a hard-copy of the CCCS policy books.

Parent Signature:                                                                                              

Student signature(s):                                                                                        

Student signature(s):